Michael Soi’s “China Loves Africa” collection examines the symbiotic and often corrupt relationship between Beijing and African elites.
Author: Abdi Latif Dahir
‘Like an Umbrella Had Covered the Sky’: Locust Swarms Despoil Kenya
At first, villagers thought the dark, dense blot in the sky was a harmless cloud. Then came the terrifying realization that the locusts had arrived.
On Tour, Pompeo Courts Africa, to Counter China
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, on his first visit to sub-Saharan Africa, promotes partnerships with American companies, but finds China’s presence pervasive.
Young Somalis Step in Where Government Fails
In a country that has endured three decades of chaos — from extremist attacks and environmental crises — the responders, medics, road-builders and educators are often not government workers, but young volunteers.
Sudan Says It Agrees to Compensate Families of U.S.S. Cole Bombing
The bombing of the Navy destroyer in Yemen in 2000 killed 17 sailors. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility, and Sudan was accused of having aided the terrorist group.
Kenya’s Longest-Serving Ruler Divides in Death, as in Life
Daniel arap Moi, Kenya’s second and longest-serving president, will be buried on Wednesday.
Kenya’s New Digital IDs May Exclude Millions of Minorities
Millions face hurdles in obtaining documents to get a biometric ID card that will be required to function in the country. Without one, “you are totally a living dead,” a human rights advocate said.
Kenya’s New Digital IDs May Exclude Millions of Minorities
Millions face hurdles in obtaining documents to get a biometric ID card that will be required to function in the country. Without one, “you are totally a living dead,” a human rights advocate said.
Starving Lions in Sudan Spur Campaign to Save Them
Images show the lions, held in cages in Khartoum, with their bones protruding from their skin.
Mogadishu Bombing Took the Lives of the ‘Best and the Brightest’
Despite a growing sense of stability and optimism after decades of chaos and violence, Somalia has been unable to curb the threat posed by the terrorist group Al Shabab.