The mother of three children with Pavel Durov has poked holes in the Russian tech titan’s carefully managed image through a criminal complaint and her account of their opulent lifestyle.
Author: Adam Satariano and Paul Mozur
‘To the Future’: Saudi Arabia Spends Big to Become an A.I. Superpower
The oil-rich kingdom is plowing money into glitzy events, computing power and artificial intelligence research, putting it in the middle of an escalating U.S.-China struggle for technological influence.
‘To the Future’: Saudi Arabia Spends Big to Become an A.I. Superpower
The oil-rich kingdom is plowing money into glitzy events, computing power and artificial intelligence research, putting it in the middle of an escalating U.S.-China struggle for technological influence.
Facial Recognition Powers ‘Automated Apartheid’ in Israel, Report Says
The Israeli government is using computer vision to monitor Palestinian travel across checkpoints, according to the report.
How Deepfake Videos Are Used to Spread Disinformation
For the first time, A.I.-generated personas, often used for corporate trainings, were detected in a state-aligned information campaign — opening a new chapter in online manipulation.
Russia Strengthens Its Internet Censorship Powers
Quietly built over two years, the Kremlin’s censorship infrastructure gives it sweeping power to block sites. Many fear a new age of digital isolation.