The artists, who included Oscar Murillo, asked to be considered as a group to make a statement on political unity. The judges agreed.
Netflix Expands Into a World Full of Censors
The streaming giant is having to navigate different political and moral landscapes, and calls for government oversight, as it seeks subscribers worldwide.
Olga Tokarczuk and Peter Handke Awarded Nobel Prizes in Literature
The 2018 and 2019 laureates were named at the same time because last year’s prize was postponed over a scandal involving a husband of an academy member.
Arrest Us, Please! Extinction Rebellion’s Path to Success
In barely a year, the group’s tactics have propelled it from a handful of members to worldwide protests. But can it keep that momentum as its actions get more disruptive?
Turkey’s Art Scene Makes a Comeback, Under Erdogan’s Shadow
Major museums are opening, and the Istanbul Biennial is underway. Just don’t ask about politics.
Margaret Atwood and Salman Rushdie in Running for Booker Prize
Atwood’s “The Testaments” is one of 13 books longlisted for Britain’s most prestigious literary award.
What Boris Johnson’s Forgotten Novel Says About the U.K.’s Likely Leader
He’s the author of a farce called “Seventy-Two Virgins,” a Churchill biography and a book in verse about pushy parents. They all say something about his personality.
Philippe Zdar, Influential French Music Producer, Dies at 52
A major figure in the electro scene, Mr. Zdar fell out of a window in an accident in Paris on Wednesday night.
Jack White Wins Eurovision. Kind Of.
The former White Stripes frontman was added to the credits for the 2018 Eurovision winner, “Toy,” a pop anthem sung by Netta Barzilai of Israel.
Renoir Estimated at $180,000 Is Stolen From Austrian Auction House
The Vienna police are investigating the robbery at the Dorotheum, where three suspects simply walked up and took a painting — a rare crime in the auction world.