A wave of responses from women who have experienced depression and suicidal thoughts is shedding light on the stark differences between how pregnancy is perceived and lived.
They Were Journalists, and Women, and Targeted for Both
As Afghanistan enters a desperate chapter, with U.S. troops potentially on the way out, insurgents are pressing a deadly campaign to silence the media and keep women home.
It Wasn’t Strictly a Coup Attempt. But It’s Not Over, Either.
Experts say recent actions by President Trump and his loyalists are harder to stop than a coup — citing anti-democratic slides in Turkey and Venezuela as closer examples.
In Poland, Protests Over Abortion Ban Could Revolutionize Politics
The government’s conservative social policies, closely tied to the Catholic Church, have met with a backlash from women hoping to change a political culture that developed after Communism fell.
Pandemic Will ‘Take Our Women 10 Years Back’ in the Workplace
Improvements in gender equality in the workplace may be another casualty of the coronavirus, as women find their place in the work force more at risk.
Mothers’ Power in U.S. Protests Echoes a Global Tradition
When mothers take to the streets — particularly those from privileged groups — governments take note. The “wall of moms” in Portland has taken up the cause against police violence.
Police Reform: For a U.S. in Crisis, Hard Lessons From Other Countries
Those who want to remake a police model that has set off unrest and despair would do well to look at the experiences of Asia, Africa and Europe.
Why Are Women-Led Nations Doing Better With Covid-19?
A new leadership style offers promise for a new era of global threats.
How Domestic Abuse Has Risen Worldwide Since Coronavirus
Movement restrictions aimed to stop the spread of the coronavirus may be making violence in homes more frequent, more severe and more dangerous.
Did the Killing of Qassim Suleimani Deter Iranian Attacks, or Encourage Them?
U.S. officials have justified the assassination as retribution for the general’s actions and deterrence of future American deaths. The big strategic implications can get lost, though.