Votes for the pro-Brexit Conservatives had 10 times the effective power of votes for the anti-Brexit Liberal Democrats. Thank the electoral system known as “first past the post.”
The Power of a Unified ‘No!’: U.S. Asylum Restrictions Hit a Bump
Institutions that are not normally partisan or political have begun to declare that the Trump administration’s border policies violate their core values.
The Interpreter: ‘We Will Come for You’: How Fear of Terrorism Spurs Online Mobs
After the Easter bombings in Sri Lanka, a doctor with no connection to the attacks, living thousands of miles away, became the target of mass rage.
The Interpreter: #MeToo Paradox: Movement Topples the Powerful, Not the Ordinary
Óscar Arias Sánchez, the ex-president of Costa Rica, is the latest to be ensnared. But the movement has made little headway curbing abuses by ordinary men.