Last year, Poland was one of Ukraine’s staunchest supporters. But pressure from the right to focus more on domestic problems is pushing that support to the center stage of Sunday’s election.
Poland’s Ruling Party Uses Germany as Boogeyman as Tough Election Looms
Poland’s Law and Justice party is using Germany as a punching bag to rally its base for the election on Oct. 15, a tactic driven by the country’s de facto leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
The Fight to Save Gagauz, a Dying Turkic Language Used in Moldova
The struggle to save Gagauz, a Turkic tongue used by dwindling numbers of people in an ethnic enclave of Moldova, reflects the emotional power of language loyalties across the former Soviet Union.
In Poland, Supporters of Opposition March in Warsaw Ahead of Key Election
The fate of democracy and aid for Ukraine undergird the October vote, which will decide whether the governing Law and Justice party secures an unprecedented third term in a row.
Russia-Leaning Populist Party Ekes Out Win in Slovakia Vote
In much of Europe, the election in Slovakia was seen as a bellwether of mainstream support for Ukraine in its war with Russia. But voters seemed most concerned with pocketbook issues.
Armenia Finds Itself Cast Adrift in a Tough Neighborhood
While the Caucasus nation might want to reduce its reliance on Russia for a more reliable ally, Western nations have offered moral support but little else.
In Romania, the Traumas of a Bloody Revolution Still Cast a Long Shadow
People struggling for justice for family members killed in the 1989 uprising say that servants of the Ceausescu regime have blocked any reckoning with the past.
How a Moldovan Fraudster Leveraged Tensions Over Ukraine War
The war in Ukraine is intensifying longstanding frictions in a region of Moldova called Gagauzia. A Moldovan convicted of plundering his country’s banking system sees an opportunity.
Cash, Mules and Paid Protests: How a Fraudster Seized an Ethnic Enclave
The war in Ukraine is intensifying longstanding frictions in a region of Moldova called Gagauzia. A Moldovan convicted of plundering his country’s central bank sees an opportunity.
As Armenia and Azerbaijan Clash, Russia Is a Distracted Spectator
In the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, Russia, drained by the war in Ukraine, seemed incapable of acting as the indispensable power capable of knocking heads together.