President Aleksandar Vucic, who has been the target of protests in Belgrade, has been playing up his role defending Serbs in Kosovo, where tensions have recently flared.
How Phone Messages Sped the Fall of President Milo Djukanovic in Montenegro
Evidence found in encrypted messages helped speed the fall of Milo Djukanovic in Montenegro. His successor, Jakov Milatovic, says he plans to clean up the country.
Poland Rejects E.U. Ruling, Restarting a European Feud
Poland’s justice minister called the E.U. court of justice “corrupt,” after it ruled a judicial overhaul was illegal. He vowed not to comply, though that could cost Poland billions.
Huge Crowds Protest Poland’s Governing Conservative Party
The country’s largest antigovernment gathering in years sought to reclaim the legacy of the Solidarity movement that led the struggle against a Communist system imposed by Moscow.
Serbia Protests After Mass Shootings Demand Social Changes
The protests, which have gathered momentum since two massacres in May, are denouncing a “culture of violence” and the increasingly authoritarian rule of the country’s leader.
After Mass Shootings in Serbia, Few Want to Give Up Their Guns
Two massacres have prompted the government to tighten already strict rules, but the nation’s gun culture is deep-rooted and complex.
With Pardon of Roman Protasevich, Belarus Fuels a Tale of Betrayal
Roman Protasevich became a symbol of the struggle for democracy when Belarus forced down a plane and arrested him. Now it has pardoned him, and former allies say he has turned on them.
Andrew Tate Finds Romania Less Lawless Than He Hoped
The online influencer, popular with young men, is facing charges of human trafficking and rape, after seeking out a place where “corruption is accessible to everybody.”
A Centuries-Old Mystery: Did This Elusive Viking City Exist?
Was a “medieval New York” called Jomsborg a literary fantasy or a historical reality? New archaeological discoveries may provide a clue.
Belarus State Media Release a Photo of Lukashenko Amid Ill Health Rumors
Aleksandr G. Lukashenko, a Kremlin ally, had not been shown since he attended events last week celebrating the Soviet Union’s triumph over Nazi Germany in 1945.