Hong Kong’s intellectual and emotional links with the mainland, once strong, are withering, and this distance and disinterest could be the biggest threat facing Beijing.
Top Opposition Activists Are Arrested in Moscow After Wave of Protests
The lawyer Lyubov Sobol, the public face of recent rallies, and two others, were detained in Moscow in a sweep of opposition figures ahead of an election this Sunday.
From the Shadows, China’s Communist Party Mobilizes Against Hong Kong Protests
In Hong Kong, the party is officially nonexistent, but it is in the vanguard of an increasingly firm pushback against the demonstrations.
A Hong Kong ‘Troublemaker’ With a Clean Conscience
Jimmy Lai, alone among the territory’s elite, supports the protests and refuses to pay even token obeisance to Beijing, which calls him a “black hand” and a C.I.A. agent.
‘Retake Hong Kong’: A Movement, a Slogan and an Identity Crisis
Hong Kong’s Beijing-backed government is struggling not only for control of the streets but over what the city means as a place and political entity.
The Unlikely American Target of China’s Conspiracy Theories on Hong Kong
The ruling Communist Party has identified a novel reason for the unrest: the secret machinations of an American diplomat.
Hundreds Arrested in Moscow as Criminal Case Is Brought Against Opposition Leader
Russia’s version of the F.B.I. said the anticorruption foundation led by Aleksei A. Navalny was suspected of money laundering.
Over Local Objections, China Muscles Into Belarus
A Chinese battery plant has raised local ire, but Belarus, like Russia, needs the economic lifeline and cannot expect much help from Europe.
A Onetime Star of Soviet TV Warns of the ‘Plague’ of Nationalism
Once a hero to Russian nationalists, Aleksandr G. Nevzorov has found a new cause and a growing audience in denouncing imperial fantasies.
A ‘Dark Lord’ Falls in Russia’s Growing Power Struggle
The arrest of a powerful law enforcement official highlights the deepening rivalries of the country’s security services as President Vladimir V. Putin approaches another term limit.