The shots may allow millions of youngsters to get back to school, camps, sleepovers and hangouts with friends.
Nancy Messonnier, C.D,C. Official Who Warned U.S. Early of Virus, Resigns
Dr. Nancy Messonnier’s departure may signal more changes at the C.D.C. division she led.
Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Unlikely in the U.S., Experts Now Believe
Widely circulating coronavirus variants and persistent hesitancy about vaccines will keep the goal out of reach. The virus is here to stay, but vaccinating the most vulnerable may be enough to restore normalcy.
Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Unlikely in the U.S., Experts Now Believe
Widely circulating coronavirus variants and persistent hesitancy about vaccines will keep the goal out of reach. The virus is here to stay, but vaccinating the most vulnerable may be enough to restore normalcy.
Vaccines Are Effective Against the New York Variant, Studies Find
The research adds to a growing number of findings suggesting the Pfizer and Moderna shots are protective against the variants identified so far.
Vaccines Won’t Protect Millions of Patients With Weakened Immune Systems
Many cannot produce enough infection-fighting cells to fend off the coronavirus. But researchers are testing one therapy that may help: monoclonal antibodies.
Could the Pandemic Prompt an ‘Epidemic of Loss’ of Women in the Sciences?
Even before the pandemic, many female scientists felt unsupported in their fields. Now, some are hitting a breaking point.
Johnson & Johnson Adds Adolescents to Covid Vaccine Tests
People under 18 account for about 23 percent of the U.S. population, and the country cannot hope to reach herd immunity without protecting them.
Can Vaccinated People Spread the Virus? We Don’t Know, Scientists Say.
Researchers pushed back after the C.D.C. director asserted that vaccinated people “do not carry the virus.”