The new guidance, published only on Friday, had acknowledged that fine particles floating in air may spread the virus.
A Global Health Star Under Fire
Former and current employees accuse Dr. Lucica Ditiu, leader of Stop TB, of harassment and bullying. The complaints threaten to slow prevention efforts worldwide.
How the Coronavirus Attacks the Brain
It’s not just the lungs — the pathogen may enter brain cells, causing symptoms like delirium and confusion, scientists reported.
A Woman May Have Been Cured of H.I.V. Without Medical Treatment
In dozens of other patients who suppress the virus without drugs, it seems to have been cornered in parts of the genome where it cannot reproduce, scientists reported.
Why Does the Coronavirus Hit Men Harder? A New Clue
Women produce a more powerful immune response than do men, a new study finds.
First Documented Coronavirus Reinfection Reported in Hong Kong
The patient did mount an immune response to the new infection, however, and did not experience symptoms.
Covid-19: What if ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Closer Than Scientists Thought?
In what may be the world’s most important math puzzle, researchers are trying to figure out how many people in a community must be immune before the coronavirus fades.
Older Children and the Coronavirus: A New Wrinkle in the Debate
A new report from South Korea throws into question an earlier finding regarding transmission by older children.
‘A Smoking Gun’: Infectious Coronavirus Retrieved From Hospital Air
Airborne virus plays a significant role in community transmission, many experts believe. A new study fills in the missing piece: Floating virus can infect cells.
Even Asymptomatic People Carry the Coronavirus in High Amounts
Researchers in South Korea found that roughly 30 percent of those infected never develop symptoms yet probably spread the virus.