Many in Sunderland saw the 2016 referendum as a chance to strike a blow to the political establishment. Now they see it as another example of broken promises.
U.K. Student Describes Horrors of Life in an Emirati Jail
Accused of spying, Matthew Hedges was freed last week after public pressure from London, and after seven months of harsh treatment at his captors’ hands.
Theresa May Takes Her Case for Brexit to the People
The British prime minister’s attempts to win over lawmakers are sputtering, so she is turning to the voters in hopes of raising the pressure.
Theresa May, Onetime Business Foe, Finds Corporate Embrace Amid Brexit Debate
The prime minister found a more receptive audience among business leaders than any others she has faced since unveiling her draft Brexit deal.
Theresa May and Her Brexit Deal Are on the Brink. Here’s What We Know.
Ministers resign, the pound wobbles, the prime minister makes a pitch to the public: Here’s where we are amid the rolling chaos over a draft Brexit deal.