The body of the fisheries official was set ablaze in the North’s waters for fear he was carrying the coronavirus, South Korean officials said.
In South Korea, Covid-19 Comes With Another Risk: Online Bullies
The country’s extensive response has been praised around the world but has led to harassment and slander, raising questions about privacy protections.
North Korean Propaganda Gets a YouTube Makeover: Fewer Parades, More Pizza
YouTube and other social media platforms give the country an easy way to spread propaganda and push a more modern, upbeat message: We’re just like you.
New Covid-19 Outbreaks Test South Korea’s Strategy
South Koreans have been proud of their government’s handling of the virus. New outbreaks raise doubt.
Samsung’s J.Y. Lee Faces New Charges
Lee Jae-yong stands accused of stock price manipulation and other offenses as he sought to tighten his control over the major corporate empire.
In South Korea’s New Covid-19 Outbreak, Religion and Politics Collide
The Sarang Jeil Church in Seoul has been a magnet for thousands of conservative Christians who fear their country is turning communist under President Moon Jae-in. Many have contracted the coronavirus.
North Korea’s Leader Had Big Economic Plans. He Admits They’ve Failed.
Kim Jong-un’s blunt assessment led his country to plan a rare Workers’ Party congress for January to chart a new course after the country was hammered by sanctions, floods and the pandemic.
South Korea Warns of Another Covid-19 Outbreak Tied to a Church
President Moon Jae-in has vowed to crack down on the Sarang Jeil Church for flouting preventive measures. The church happens to be his most vocal critic.
North Korea, Fighting to Hold Back Virus and Floods, Says No Thanks to Outside Aid
The country has reported extensive flood damage. But its leader, Kim Jong-un, says that humanitarian aid might bring in Covid-19.
For P.O.W., Landmark Verdict Against North Korea Is Long-Overdue Justice
A former South Korean soldier may never see a penny of the $17,600 awarded by a court last month. But the verdict set a precedent for thousands of others seeking to hold the North and Kim Jong-un accountable for human rights violations.