South Korea has imprisoned thousands of men for refusing mandatory military service. But the practice is coming to an end after a Supreme Court ruling this month.
For First Time in a Decade, a South Korean Train Rolls Into the North
Officials and engineers from both Koreas will spend 18 days on the six-car train, riding the North’s decrepit rail network and considering how it could be improved.
North Korea Accuses Washington of Weaponizing Human Rights as Nuclear Talks Stall
President Trump may have said he and Kim Jong-un were “in love,” but the two countries are sparring over the North’s human rights record.
South Korean Court Orders Mitsubishi of Japan to Pay for Forced Wartime Labor
The ruling against Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is likely to further complicate ties between America’s two key allies in Asia.
Children of North Korean Mothers Find More Hardship in the South
Often born in rural China, the children of North Korean defectors find they are not welcome in South Korea, where they face language barriers and abuse.
North and South Korea Get U.N.’s Go-Ahead to Study Joint Rail Project
South Korea has offered to help upgrade the North’s rail network and link it to its own. Now the Security Council has signed off on a joint study of the idea.
South Korean Church Leader Sentenced to Prison in #MeToo Case
Lee Jae-rock, the founder of Manmin Central Church, was given a 15-year sentence for “habitually” raping female followers who were led to believe he was God.
South Korea Signals End to ‘Final’ Deal With Japan Over Wartime Sex Slaves
The painful dispute over the so-called comfort women, which both sides declared settled in 2015, has returned to life.
North Korea Says It Will Deport American Who Tried to Enter From China
In an apparent gesture of good will, the North said it would release the man, who it said entered the country illegally a month ago.
North Korea Says It Has Tested ‘Ultramodern Tactical Weapon’
North Korea did not identify what weapon was tested, but the development could complicate already stalled talks between the United States and North Korea.