There are several things to consider when deciding whether it is safe for you to travel in the United States. This includes the following: is COVID-19 spreading where you’re going, will you be in close contact with others, are you at higher risk of se…
Author: COVID-19
What is Health Equity? ‘ Health Equity
Learn how systemic health and social inequities have put racial and ethnic minority groups at increased risk from COVID-19.
How to Use Your N95 Respirator
How to use and wear your N95 properly so it is effective
Free N95 Respirator Manufacturers
Free N95 respirators available to the public and distributed from the Strategic National Stockpile
Overview of Testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19
Find an overview for healthcare workers of SARS-CoV-2 testing, considerations for testing, test types, surveillance, and how to interpret test results.
DNPAO Home Page
DNPAO Home Page
How to Protect Yourself & Others
Know how coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads and take steps to protect yourself and others. Avoid close contact, clean your hands often, cover coughs and sneezes, stay home if you’re sick, and know how to clean and disinfect.
Breastfeeding and Caring for Newborns if You Have COVID-19
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Pregnancy
Ending Isolation and Precautions for People with COVID-19: Interim Guidance
Healthcare professionals, find information and recommendations for ending isolation and precautions when caring for people with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, including children and adults, people who are severely ill, and people who are infected but n…
Contact Tracing
Contact tracing is used by health departments to prevent the spread of infectious diseased. In general, contact tracing involves identifying people who have an infectious disease (cases) and people who they came in contact with (contacts) and working w…