The goal was to prove American resolve in the face of Iranian attacks. Now, American officials have no doubt the Iranians will respond — but they don’t know how quickly, or how furiously.
Trump Bet He Could Isolate Iran and Charm North Korea. It’s Not That Easy.
The president assumed economic levers would guide the countries’ national interests. Now, he confronts twin challenges in an election year.
Russian Foreign Minister Likely to Discuss Nuclear Arms With Trump and Pompeo
Sergey V. Lavrov is set to visit the White House on Tuesday afternoon, for a conversation that could include extending the last major nuclear treaty between the United States and Russia.
Trump Followed His Gut on Syria. Calamity Came Fast.
All the warnings were there. But President Trump’s reliance on his instincts, and his relationships, led him to ignore the consequences of a move that has emboldened Russia, Iran and the Islamic State.
U.S. Nuclear Talks With North Korea Break Down in Hours
The State Department says the United States brought “creative ideas’’ to the talks. The North Koreans say the Americans arrived “empty-handed.”
After Trump Calls Off Talks, Afghanistan Braces for Violence
There were many questions about why Mr. Trump suddenly scuttled talks with the Taliban just as they were nearing a conclusion.
‘It Could Have Been Any of Us’: Disdain for Trump Runs Among Ambassadors
Sir Kim Darroch, the British ambassador who resigned Wednesday, was not alone in his criticism of the Trump administration and its habit of leaving foreign envoys in the dark.
Iran Breaches Critical Limit on Nuclear Fuel Set by 2015 Deal
Tehran also signaled that it now intends to enrich its nuclear fuel stockpile to a purer level, a provocative action that could move the country closer to being able to use the fuel for a weapon.
European Talks With Iran End, Leaving Nuclear Issue Unsettled
Iran’s deputy foreign minister said Tehran will now decide whether to follow through on a plan to breach limits on how much nuclear fuel the country can hold.
Facing Intensifying Confrontation With Iran, Trump Has Few Appealing Options
The administration is relying first on economic sanctions to change Tehran’s behavior. But it continues to weigh military or cyberattacks.