Vladimir Putin’s call-up of more troops highlights Russia’s continuing struggles in Ukraine.
Author: David Leonhardt
A Shrinking Margin
Democrats lost ground with Hispanic voters in 2020. It doesn’t seem to have been a blip.
Sarah Koenig, the Host of ‘Serial,’ Talks About Adnan Syed’s Release
We talk with Sarah Koenig, host of the “Serial” podcast.
Poverty, Plunging
Child poverty in the U.S. has fallen by more than half since the early 1990s.
Ukraine on the March
It’s not just one region. Ukraine is making progress in multiple places.
Are the Polls Wrong Again?
Are Democrats again about to be disappointed by overly optimistic polling?
A Good Issue for Democrats
Despite the large partisan gaps on many aspects of Covid, Americans give Democrats higher marks for pandemic management than Republicans.
Our Latest Covid Poll
Americans on the left end of the political spectrum have become less anxious about Covid.
A Poorer Generation
Americans under 40 have had to cope with a worse economy than earlier generations. How should it affect the debate over Biden’s debt-relief plan?
Americans Who Stutter
President Biden’s approach to his own stutter highlights the stigma that the condition still brings.