The hormone shot — popular among African women who must use birth control in secret — is as safe as other methods, scientists reported.
Author: DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.
An Experimental Ebola Cure May Also Protect Against Nipah Virus
African green monkeys survived infection with the Nipah virus after they received remdesivir. The virus, a pandemic threat carried by bats, has killed dozens of people in Asia.
To Calm Nervous Families, Pakistan Changes Polio Vaccination Tactics
Paralysis cases spiked after a vaccination drive was derailed by false rumors that dozens of children had collapsed and died.
To Calm Nervous Families, Pakistan Changes Polio Vaccination Tactics
Paralysis cases spiked after a vaccination drive was derailed by false rumors that dozens of children had collapsed and died.
Global Health: Measles Outbreak Now at 880 Cases, With Fastest Growth Still in New York
Warming weather usually slows transmission of the virus, but it is not clear that this outbreak is fading, experts said.
Global Health: Where Will Measles Break Out Next? Chicago, Los Angeles or Miami, Scientists Predict
A new study ranks the risks in U.S. counties by the numbers of unvaccinated children and proximity to international airports. But no one predicted the outbreak in Brooklyn.
Global Health: A New Ebola Vaccine Strategy in Africa: Smaller Doses
As violence makes it harder to reach stricken villages in Congo, experts plan to stretch supplies and to give the vaccine to everyone, not just contacts of victims.
Global Health: Measles Cases Surpass 700 as Outbreak Continues Unabated
The outbreak is now the worst in decades. Children under age 5 account for about half of the cases.
Global Health: Religious Objections to the Measles Vaccine? Get the Shots, Faith Leaders Say
Devout parents who are worried about vaccines often object to ingredients from pigs or fetuses. But the leaders of major faiths have examined these fears and still vigorously endorse vaccination.