The People’s Action Party, which has never been out of power, won yet again, but by a narrower margin than usual. The opposition had sought to deny it “a blank check.”
Thailand Moves to Legalize Same-Sex Unions, a Rare Step in Asia
The bill avoids the term “marriage,” but allows for couples to adopt children and jointly own property. Though approved by the country’s cabinet, the plan has to get through Parliament to become law.
Thai Dissidents Are Disappearing, and Families Are Fighting for Answers
At least nine critics of Thailand’s military and monarchy have been abducted while living in exile, and Thai officials are ignoring questions about it, families say.
Amid a Pandemic, ‘Batman’ Matters More Than Ever
Wang Linfa has researched bats and their diseases for decades, usually drawing little public attention. Now a world wracked by the coronavirus is relying on the work of scientists like him.
‘I Am Just Hong Kong’: A City’s Fate in China’s Hands
This hybrid of East and West may have reached the limits of its middle ground.
‘A Lot of Bad News Out There’: Parenting in a Pandemic
A mother balances coverage of tsunamis, plane crashes, bombings and other tragedies with life at home during a coronavirus lockdown.
Hundreds of Rohingya Refugees Stuck at Sea With ‘Zero Hope’
At least three boats carrying Rohingya refugees have been adrift for more than two months. As of this week, rights groups that had been tracking the boats lost sight of them.
‘This Isn’t the Time for Caviar’: A Chef Finds New Flavors in a Pandemic
After the coronavirus lockdown, a chef in Bangkok and his migrant staff started cooking a whole new menu and delivering food to the poor.
U.S. Warships Enter Disputed Waters of South China Sea as Tensions With China Escalate
The move comes as a war of words between the United States and China over the coronavirus pandemic intensifies.
Singapore Seemed to Have Coronavirus Under Control, Until Cases Doubled
The spread suggests that it is unrealistic for the United States, Europe and the rest of the world to return to the way they were anytime soon, even if viral curves appear to flatten.