The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation said that accusations of Chinese meddling in its affairs had made it impossible for it to function as before.
Far-Left Canadians Susceptible to Russian Influence Too
Researchers found that on Twitter, members of Canada’s far left joined those on the far right in embracing pro-Russian messages created by a two-year Russian influence campaign.
Police Missteps Contributed to Canada’s Deadliest Shooting Rampage, Inquiry Says
A commission found there was confusion, poor communication and inflexible thinking among the police during a 13-hour rampage in 2020 in which 23 people died.
200,000-Dollar Fine Aims to Expose Money Laundering in Canada
In a new bid to end the use of shell companies to hide crimes and avoid taxes, the federal government will require clear records of corporate ownership. Will provincial governments follow?
American Hopes for Canadian Military Leadership in Haiti Likely to Be Dashed
The United States had hoped that its neighbor would lead a major intervention, but Canada lacks resources and is skeptical of its value.
Claims of Chinese Election Meddling Put Trudeau on Defensive
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada is battling critics and leaked intelligence reports that opponents say show he ignored warnings of Chinese interference in past elections.
Why Canada’s Banks Remain ‘Stable and Resilient’
The country’s financial stability, and the high profitability of its banks at a time when those in the U.S. are in turmoil, comes from strong regulations.
A National Medical License May Ease Canada’s Doctor Shortages
The Canadian Medical Association is pushing for a single license to eliminate the barriers between provinces and territories.
Canada Knows China Tried to Meddle in Its Elections, but What Should Come Next?
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has rejected calls by the opposition for a full public inquiry.
For the First Time in 52 Years, There’s No Skating Through the Capital
A winter of gyrating temperatures and rainfalls caused officials to give up on the “world’s largest skating rink.”