Australia has a global reputation for being a sunny, relaxed democracy. But it also has a deep preference for government secrecy.
An Australian Doctor’s Dream: Curing America’s Opioid Curse
Dr. George O’Neil has implanted a device he invented into thousands of Australians who abuse opioids. But is it an answer for America’s addiction crisis?
Seeing China Through Art, Not Politics
For those of us hungering for deeper insight into the the country, Sydney’s White Rabbit gallery provides a dizzying and confronting lesson in understanding.
Voter Snapshots: Australians Weigh in
Five Australians across the country tell us about their dreams and fears, and who they’re voting for.
Letter 106: Election Day Is Coming. Australia Says: ‘Meh.’
While Americans often can’t stop talking about it, many Australians say politics is confusing, tiring and boring. Why do they feel that way?
Letter 105: Our Australia Bureau Turns Two. Here Are Our Favorite Stories.
From heartbreaking terror attacks to giant lobsters, here are the stories we remember most from Australia and the region.
Letter 103: In Australia, Are All Historic Losses Treated Equally?
The burning of Notre-Dame cathedral has raised a question: Whose losses do we grieve?
Letter 102: When Does Free Speech Become Uncomfortable?
If there’s one thing many people here dislike, it’s being told what to do or how to think. But is there a right way to express strongly held beliefs, or should we leave each other alone?
Letter 100: Deception for Investigative Journalism: Right or Wrong?
An undercover investigation found links between the National Rifle Association and an Australian political party. We asked experts: Was the investigation ethical?
‘This Egg Has United People,’ Teenager Says of Protest Against Bigotry
A teenager known as “Egg Boy” has spoken publicly to media for the first time since he cracked an egg on a far-right politician’s head after the New Zealand attacks.