Panned by a prominent blogger, the Italian restaurant Bros’ and its celebrity chef became a global target for critics of pretentious cuisine. There was a good side for him.
Italian Bishop Gives Children Harsh News: There Is No Santa Claus
You’ve been lied to, children heard from a bishop, the latest Catholic clergyman to try to take down Santa Claus and consumerism. Many Italians were not pleased.
Pope Exploring a 2nd Meeting With Russian Orthodox Church
Speaking after his trip to Cyprus and Greece, Francis also said he had no choice but to accept the resignation of the archbishop of Paris because of the harmful gossip surrounding him.
Pope Francis Laments That for Migrants, ‘Little Has Changed’
At a Greek refugee camp, Francis lamented the hardening of hearts against asylum seekers, whose plight he called a “shipwreck of civilization.”
In Cyprus, Pope Francis Laments Indifference Toward Migrants
In a visit to Cyprus, Francis said it was his “responsibility to help open eyes” to migrants’ plight but acknowledged that the small island “can’t do everything” to accommodate so many people.
Pope Francis Heads to Cyprus Aiming to Highlight Plight of Migrants
Even as the world focuses on a new coronavirus variant, Francis is embarking on a trip that incorporates longstanding priorities like opening borders and welcoming the destitute.
How 2 Flights to Europe May Have Spurred Spread of New Variant
A confounding array of Covid rules and lax enforcement of mask wearing may have sent infected passengers on two KLM flights from South Africa on to “who knows where.”
World Omicron Fight Hindered by Fragmented Response
Almost two years into the pandemic, finger-pointing, lack of coordination, sparse information and fear are once again influencing policy.
As Potential Omicron Variant Cases Emerge, an International Scramble to Shut It Out
Dutch health authorities say it’s likely the Omicron variant will be detected among 61 infected travelers from South Africa.