Pope Francis has said he is determined to visit the war-torn country. But some worry that the visit will become a superspreader event in a land where the virus still rages.
Italy’s New Prime Minister Appeals for Unity and Sacrifice
In Mario Draghi’s first speech as head of government, the former European Central Bank chief laid out plans for societal changes and a recovery from the pandemic.
Renzi’s Power Play Is a ‘Masterpiece.’ He’ll Be the First to Tell You.
With a series of maneuvers that could have made Machiavelli blush, the former prime minister gave Italy a new government. Just don’t expect anyone to thank him for it.
Mario Draghi Is Asked to Form Government in Italy
The sudden ascent of the man credited with helping save the euro was a pipe dream for Italians frustrated with a coalition paralyzed by ideological schisms and incompetence.
After Government Falls, Italy Must Navigate Pandemic on ‘Cruise Control’
The country is no stranger to political chaos. But it now faces the unsettling prospect of going rudderless during the coronavirus crisis.
As Political Crisis Meets Pandemic, Italians Wonder, Why?
The government survived a near-collapse, but it remained unclear just what Matteo Renzi, the ambitious former prime minister, hoped to gain by provoking it.
Italy’s Government Enters a Crisis in Middle of Pandemic
The wobbly coalition between unpopular populists and the center-left establishment risked implosion amid power struggles and ideological disputes over E.U. funds.
Vaccine Skepticism Helped Put Them in Power. Can They Inoculate Italy?
The Five Star Movement’s long history of sowing doubt about vaccines may have made Italy’s mass inoculation program that much harder. The irony is not lost on Italians.
Pope Calls Coronavirus Vaccinations an Ethical Obligation
Saying he will be vaccinated himself next week, Francis described the refusal to get the vaccine as suicidal.
‘I Will Get Up’: A Hard New Year Greets a World in Waiting
Around the globe, people who held on in hopes that 2021 would banish a year of horror are struggling with the reality that the hardest challenges may lie ahead.