The former Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi describes the 2016 exchange with the Russian president in his new book.
Sexual Abuse of Nuns: Longstanding Church Scandal Emerges From Shadows
Pope Francis’ acknowledgment of the problem came after decades of allegations and seeming Vatican inaction, and arrived at a time of heightened awareness of sexual abuse in the #MeToo era.
Pope Acknowledges Nuns Were Sexually Abused by Priests and Bishops
The remarks by Francis were his first admission that the Roman Catholic Church has such a problem. “Should more be done? Yes,” he told reporters.
Pope Francis Breaks Some Taboos on Visit to Persian Gulf
The remarks, delivered in the United Arab Emirates, were exceptionally candid for a pontiff who usually does not criticize the country that hosts him.
Pope Francis Makes ‘Historic’ Gulf Tour Amid Yemen Crisis and Christian Repression
The pope on Sunday became the first pontiff to visit the Arabian Peninsula, on a trip intended to improve relations with the Muslim world and bolster the Mideast’s persecuted Christian minority.
Italy’s Crackdown on Migrants Meets a Grassroots Resistance
A mayor refuses to enforce a government decree targeting asylum seekers, saying it will only push them into the shadows and criminality.
Greeks Approve Deal to Rename Macedonia, in Victory for the West
The vote by the Greek Parliament, over impassioned opposition, clears a path for the renamed North Macedonia to join the NATO alliance.
Matteo Salvini Likes Nutella and Kittens. It’s All Part of a Social Media Strategy.
The online feed of Italy’s most powerful politician is not about product placement, but a studied way to sell his common-man brand in an anti-elite era.
A Tough Year for the Pope Ends With Spokesman’s Resignation
Greg Burke, Pope Francis’ communication director, is leaving after waging a campaign to bring the Vatican press office into the modern age.
For Italy’s Populists, Everything Is a Nationalist Cause. Even Leonardo.
The hard-right government has accused the French of disrespect and of trying to culturally appropriate the artist in a dispute over loaning his works.