Some come to seek an emotional lift, others to sing patriotic tunes. But they all raise a fist and say an oath, a rite meant to show China’s strength in the 21st century.
Godfrey Gao, ‘Mortal Instruments’ Actor, Dies While Filming TV Show
When the 35-year-old performer and model collapsed with an apparent heart attack during filming for a strenuous, stunt-filled series, it set off a wave of anger on Chinese social media.
Beijing Was Confident Its Hong Kong Allies Would Win. After the Election, It Went Silent.
Since the big loss for the pro-Beijing camp, Chinese state media has resorted to a favorite tactic by blaming the United States, a nationalistic message that plays well to the masses at home.
Professors, Beware. A ‘Student Information Officer’ Might Be Watching.
In a throwback to the Mao era, China is deploying students as watchdogs against teachers. It’s part of a campaign by President Xi to eliminate dissent.
Caught in U.S.-China Crossfire, Eastman Orchestra Cancels Tour
The renowned music school decided to cancel a tour of China after facing pressure from students and alumni upset over Beijing’s denial of visas to three South Korean students.
China Holds #MeToo Activist Who Wrote About Hong Kong Protests
She spoke critically of China’s restrictions on free speech. Now the authorities are accusing her of “provoking trouble.”
Hong Kong Leader, Carrie Lam, Gets Jeered, Tainting Annual Address
The chief executive retreated twice from the Legislative Council lectern as pro-democracy lawmakers shouted and demanded her resignation.
Chinese Media’s Attacks on Apple and N.B.A. Help Inflame Nationalism
Outlets are trying to intimidate multinational companies into toeing the party line while Beijing tries to rein in the Hong Kong protests.
Closing My Curtains for Xi Jinping and His Grand Parade
Beijing is banning kites and balloons as it celebrates the 70th birthday of modern China. I, too, would have to go.
When Trump Tweets, the Editor of ‘China’s Fox News’ Hits Back
Hu Xijin, editor of the Global Times, is a combative public voice for Xi Jinping’s government at a time of open rivalry with the United States.