In the state of Victoria, you need more than one day to take in all that the A.F.L. Grand Final has to offer.
Author: Julia Bergin
In Australia, an Old-Fashioned Art Is Having a Revival
Young practitioners are helping make stained glass, which fell out of fashion over two decades ago, a vibrant art form in Australia once again.
A Long Life, Thanks to Where You Live? Not Likely, Says Ig Nobel Winner.
An Australian researcher found that many areas that supposedly produce lots of centenarians also produce shoddy record-keeping.
Is Brisbane Ready to Be the Equal of Sydney and Melbourne?
Many don’t see Brisbane in the same light as the other two cities, but the Queensland capital is showing it, too, has cultural heft.
Preaching the Mormon Gospel in Remotest Australia, With Art
In Northern Territory communities, missionaries rely on a special Indigenous edition of the Book of Mormon to get their message out.
Ski Passes and Weber Grills? Obscure Perks of a U.S. Alliance
The military alliance between Australia and the United States is growing ever close�r. But how does the superpower value its smaller ally? Here are some clues.
Ski Passes and Weber Grills? Obscure Perks of a U.S. Alliance
The military alliance between Australia and the United States is growing ever close�r. But how does the superpower value its smaller ally? Here are some clues.
Whose Politics Are More Turbulent, America’s or Australia’s?
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, citing the revolving door of prime ministers, said his own country was in no position to criticize the United States.
In an Outback Town, Praising the Lord and Improvising the Details
For some churches, it’s all about music. Others translate scripture into Indigenous languages or enlist local artists to depict Bible stories in their own way.
Australian Author’s Novel-Turned-Film Goes Global
Lily Brett’s delight is bittersweet as “Too Many Men,” her story about traveling with her father, becomes a movie he did not live to see.