Abortion rights advocates had hoped that a top court might legalize the procedure and herald a shift in Latin America. Instead, it left abortion illegal in most cases.
Author: Julie Turkewitz
Abortion Case in Colombia Could Be a Landmark in Latin America
A ruling in the case, which has reopened a fierce debate over the procedure’s legal and moral implications, could have repercussions across the region.
M.I.T. Researchers Cast Doubt on Bolivian Election Fraud
An international audit said officials had engaged in lies and manipulation to assure victory for Evo Morales. Academics at M.I.T.’s Election Data and Science Lab questioned that finding.
Celebrated Abroad, Juan Guaidó Faces Critical Test in Venezuela
On an international tour, the Venezuelan opposition leader looked strong. But at home, he faces a disillusioned base, an authoritarian leader and a pivotal moment for the country.
Evo Morales, Now in Exile, to Run for Bolivia’s Senate
Mr. Morales, the former president of Bolivia, is now living in Argentina and facing an arrest warrant in his homeland. His bid for the Senate could further roil a bitterly divided nation.
Venezuela’s Maduro Claims Control of National Assembly, Consolidating Grip on Power
The National Assembly was the last political institution still in the opposition’s hands, and by seizing its leadership, President Nicolás Maduro’s supporters move closer to total control of the state.
Venezuela’s Maduro Claims Control of National Assembly, Tightening Grip on Power
It was the last political institution in opposition hands. Now President Nicolás Maduro’s has moved closer to total control of the state.
McDonald’s Closes Temporarily in Peru After Death of Teens
The workers were electrocuted by a loose cable over the weekend, raising questions about labor conditions at the franchise.
Women in Gambia Describe Torture After Ex-President Called Them Witches
Gambia’s former president ordered people he accused of “witchcraft” to be kidnapped and tortured. The victims now plan to tell a truth commission what happened.
Nigerian Women Say ‘MeToo.’ Critics Say ‘Prove It.’
Women in West Africa who accuse men of sexual abuse have recently seen some change, but also an intense backlash — including threats and even a police investigation.