A new rule requires agencies to analyze the climate impacts of proposed highways, pipelines and other projects, and gives local communities more input.
Author: Lisa Friedman
E.P.A. to Propose Restrictions on Asbestos
The agency aims to ban the manufacturing and import of a type of asbestos that is used in brake pads, gaskets and other automotive products and is linked to cancer.
E.P.A. Decides Against Limiting Perchlorate in Drinking Water
Drinking water for as many as 16 million Americans may be contaminated with perchlorate, a chemical that can harm the development of fetuses and children.
U.N. Chief Warns of ‘Catastrophe’ With Continued Use of Fossil Fuels
António Guterres, the United Nations secretary general, said instead of replacing Russian oil, gas and coal, nations must pivot to clean energy.
Pete Buttigieg Says U.S. ‘Focused’ on Reducing Auto Emissions
At the Glasgow climate summit, Mr. Buttigieg said the conversation surrounding climate change should focus on whether Earth can sustain life.
‘America Is Back’ Pelosi Says at Glasgow Climate Talks
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was among a group of Democratic lawmakers who traveled with Ms. Pelosi to barnstorm the COP26 climate summit.
18 Countries to Phase Out Coal, According to Leaked Document
The countries, banks and other organizations that make up a new coalition will commit to ending all investment in new coal power generation domestically and internationally.
COP26 Summit Attendees Frustrated With Long Lines and Access
One veteran of the annual gathering described it as the “poorest planed” to date. A young American activist called it a “hellscape.”
John Kerry Plays Down COP26 Expectations
“Glasgow was never ever going to get every country joining up,” Mr. Kerry said. He’s already looking to next year to build on pledges that nations have made and push them to do more.