Trump Says He and Queen Elizabeth II ‘Had a Great Time’
“I feel I know her so well right now, and she certainly knows me well,” President Trump said of the British monarch in an interview with Fox News.
Trump Honors War Dead — but First a Word About Mueller and Pelosi
The president laid into the special counsel and the speaker of the House with the graves of D-Day casualties as a backdrop.
Trump’s Split-Screen Persona on Blaring Display in Britain Visit
Over his three-day trip, the president embraced regal respectability on one side, and settling scores on the other.
Trump, in Interview, Says He Prefers Talk to Military Action on Iran
In a wide-ranging discussion with the British journalist Piers Morgan, the president also defended his lack of military service in the Vietnam War.
Top White House Official Involved in Saudi Sanctions Resigns
The official, who had pushed for tough measures, resigned on Friday as the Trump administration wrestles with internal assessments about the killing of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.