Suggestions that a nanny for the children of Princess Diana and Prince Charles was involved with the prince were “wholly baseless,” the British broadcaster said as it agreed to pay her damages.
Europe’s Heat Wave Breaks UK Temperature Records and Drives Wildfires
Europe is ill prepared for extreme heat fed by global warming. For the first time on record, parts of Britain hit 40 degrees Celsius — 104 Fahrenheit — as did Paris for only the third time.
Extreme Heat Puts Life on Hold in Britain, a Land Not Built for It
In a country more accustomed to temperate weather, a brutal heat wave tested Britain’s infrastructure and forced millions to choose between a Stygian commute or a stifling home office.
Sunak Leads in U.K. Voting to Replace Prime Minister Boris Johnson
The former chancellor of the Exchequer led a pack of candidates after the first round, while an obscure trade minister surprised in second place.
Boris Johnson May Be Fading Out, but Not the Divisions He Stoked
Long after he is gone, his successors will be wrestling over his signature project, Brexit, and the insoluble issues it raised.
Boris Johnson May Be Fading Out, but Not the Divisions He Stoked
Long after he is gone, his successors will be wrestling over his signature project, Brexit, and the insoluble issues it raised.
For Boris Johnson, a Chaotic Reign Ends With a Chaotic Exit
The risk-taking bravado of Britain’s colorful prime minister was not enough to compensate for his shortcomings, or overcome a catastrophic loss of party support.
Boris Johnson’s Messy Exit Encapsulates a Tumultous Career
A rebellion of Mr. Johnson’s cabinet, a catastrophic loss of party support and a wholesale exodus of ministers brought a fitting end to a career defined by gleeful disregard for rules.