Dominic Raab is arriving just as his government is taking steps in Brexit talks that could jeopardize a free-trade deal with the United States.
Boris Johnson Pushes to Backtrack on E.U. Deal, Despite Party Revolt
The British prime minister’s move to rewrite a treaty that settled Northern Ireland’s post-Brexit status raised fears that trade negotiations with the European Union could be impaired.
Bahrain Recognized Israel. Here’s Why It Matters.
The announcement that Bahrain would establish full diplomatic relations with Israel leaves open the possibility that more Arab states will follow.
From Miner’s Grandson to Lord Darroch of Kew, With a Touch of Irony
The former British ambassador to Washington was undone by a leak of cables giving his unvarnished opinion of President Trump. No, he is not embittered.
Boris Johnson Facing Revolt Over Brexit Negotiations
The government’s top lawyer has quit, and even a government minister admits the prime minister’s effort to rewrite the treaty violates international law.
London’s Bridges Really Are Falling Down
Three major crossings on the Thames are closed to cars — one of them considered too dangerous even to walk across. Even the landmark Tower Bridge was recently shut for two days.
BBC Lost a Battle Over British Songs, and the War Is Far From Over
Boris Johnson came into office aiming to defund the BBC and let in rivals. The coronavirus has delayed that, but the broadcaster again finds itself a punching bag for Conservatives.
As Britain Climbs Out of an Economic Pit, Tough Questions Loom
The government’s aid programs are winding down, and officials are so far resisting pressure to extend them. But what if the virus resurges?
Pints or Primers? U.K.’s Push to Open Schools May Force a Choice
Prime Minister Boris Johnson calls it a “moral duty” to open Britain’s schools, but with cases already rising slightly, that might mean closing pubs and restaurants.
Brexit Behind Him, Boris Johnson Tries to Quiet Scotland’s Calls to Leave U.K.
Scottish polling shows a majority favor independence. The prime minister is concerned.