Critics say Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s nominations for lifetime legislative posts continued a pattern of patronage that undermines the credibility of a long-troubled institution.
U.K. Officials’ New Trump Dilemma: What if He Loses?
If Joe Biden wins the November election, Britain would face a president who opposed Brexit, would look out for Ireland, and may have little interest in a trade deal.
U.K. Has Europe’s Worst Surge in Deaths During Pandemic, Study Says
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has linked Britain’s high toll to record-keeping variances among nations. But a government report shows deaths really have been higher than in neighboring countries.
Queen Knights Captain Tom, in a Rare Public Appearance
In the weeks before the ceremony to honor the 100-year-old war veteran and fund-raiser, some had wondered whether Britons would see Queen Elizabeth in person again.
Bristol Removes Statue of Black Protester Jen Reid After One Day
The statue of Jen Reid, a Black Lives Matter protester, was raised on Wednesday in place of a toppled memorial to the slave trader Edward Colston.
Statue of Black Protester Is Raised in Place of Bristol Slave Trader
The image of Jen Reid, fist clenched atop the plinth in the English city where Edward Colston once stood, became a symbol of protest online. Now, it’s there in resin and steel.
In Tackling Coronavirus, Scotland Asserts Its Separateness From England
The measured response by Scotland’s leader, Nicola Sturgeon, is a marked contrast to the freewheeling approach of Prime Minister Boris Johnson — and appears to be working.
Britain, Charting Its Own Course on Human Rights, Imposes New Sanctions
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announced that dozens of people from Russia and Saudi Arabia would be added to a blacklist, but China was notably absent.
Boris Johnson’s ‘Global Britain’: Inspired Vision or Wishful Thinking?
Post-Brexit Britain is going it alone at a time when globalization is in retreat. But a clash with China over Hong Kong has shown the limits of what it can do.
Lloyd’s of London and Greene King Acknowledge Ties to Slave Trade
Two prominent firms, Lloyd’s of London and Greene King, have acknowledged their ties to the slave trade and pledged to make amends.