Ireland, which developed a bustling economy within the European Union, commands support from other member states as it deals with the potential effects of Brexit.
Trump and Boris Johnson: Populist Peas in a Pod? Not Really
Their fortunes may seem to be in sync like never before. But that masks important character differences that could shape far different outcomes.
Brexit Turmoil Intensifies as Court Rebukes Boris Johnson
In a major blow to the prime minister, the court ruled unanimously that Parliament is still in session, whatever Mr. Johnson might think.
Britain’s Supreme Court Is Thrust Into Center of Brexit Debate
A case against Boris Johnson’s suspension of Parliament is testing Britain’s Supreme Court and its tradition of steering clear of political disputes.
Lies, Purging and Prorogation: Two Pivotal Weeks in Brexit
Britain seemed poised at times between a proud tradition and something new and menacing, a populist flouting of customs and institutions in the name of “the people.”
To Make a Deal on Brexit, Boris Johnson Eyes an ‘All-Ireland’ Zone
Though he denies it, the British prime minister may well leave Northern Ireland inside the European customs union to get a withdrawal deal.
Boris Johnson Finds His Party Loyalists Aren’t as Loyal as Trump’s
However distasteful Republicans may find President Trump, they largely back his agenda. In Britain, rebels in the Conservative Party have staged a dramatic insurrection.
Trump and Johnson’s Complex ‘Bromance’ Is Underscored by Pence Visit
At 10 Downing Street, the vice president reiterated U.S. support for Brexit and again dangled a trade deal. The prime minister appeared gratified but wary.
On Trump’s Ireland Visit, Talk of Brexit and Border Walls
President Trump predicted that Brexit would be good for Ireland “with your wall, your border.” Ireland’s prime minister replied that the country wanted to avoid “a wall or border” with Britain.
News Analysis: In Trump, Netanyahu Sees an Ally Who Helps Him Push the Envelope
President Trump has given Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the political cover to embrace a position that critics say would all but extinguish the dream of a viable Palestinian state.