An April Fool’s Day prank ended in clashes with the police.
Author: Monika Pronczuk
E.U. Proposes Covid-19 Certificate for Travelers
The document would allow European residents to travel across the bloc with proof of Covid-19 vaccination, a negative test result or evidence of recovery.
E.U. Pushes Companies to Close Gender Pay Gap
Under a proposed law, companies in Europe could be punished if they fail to pay women and men the same salaries.
The E.U. will propose a vaccine passport system for Europe.
The Digital Green Pass would allow Europeans who have been vaccinated to travel more freely.
Europe Wants to Diversify Its Pool of Astronauts
In its first hiring drive in over a decade, the continent’s space agency is looking to recruit disabled people and more women.
E.U. Agrees to Cut Emissions by 2030 in New Climate Deal
The agreement calls for European Union countries to cut their collective greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent from 1990 levels, a more substantial reduction than previously proposed.