Isoko Mochizuki’s interrogations of government officials have made her something of a folk hero in Japan, where the press is known for being clubby and compliant.
Cleansing Plastic From Oceans: Big Ask for a Country That Loves Wrap
Japan is showcasing its plastics recycling at the G-20 meeting in Osaka. But the Japanese also wrap everything in plastic, and a lot winds up in the sea.
Japan Desperately Needs More Day Care Workers. New Mothers Need Not Apply.
Erica Takato had trained for a profession that is crucial for Japan: teaching preschool. Then she got pregnant and was hounded from her job.
Japan’s Extreme Recluses Already Faced Stigma. Now, After Knifings, They’re Feared.
Experts worry that after two shocking acts of violence, a new wave of fearmongering will leave the recluses even more vilified.
With Trump’s Visit to Japan, Empress Masako Finds a Spotlight
Supporters of Masako, a multilingual former diplomat, see a chance for her to come into her own after spending years trapped by her role as the wife of a future emperor.
John Bolton Says North Korean Missile Tests Violated U.N. Resolutions
Mr. Bolton said there was “no doubt” that missile tests this month violated Security Council resolutions. President Trump had earlier downplayed their importance.
John Bolton Says North Korean Missile Tests Violated U.N. Resolutions
Mr. Bolton said there was “no doubt” that missile tests this month violated Security Council resolutions. President Trump had earlier downplayed their importance.
Shinzo Abe? That’s Not His Name, Says Japan’s Foreign Minister
The minister, Taro Kono (or Kono Taro, if you please), says the Western news media should respect Japanese tradition and put the surname first. It’s unclear if his request will gain traction.
Emperor Naruhito Takes the Throne, and a New Era Arrives in Japan
Naruhito is likely to continue to stress the pacifism and war remembrance of his father, Akihito, as well as his efforts to humanize the monarchy.
Survival of the throne: Episode one: Japan Would Make Akihito Emperor, but She Called Him ‘Jimmy’
An American teacher taught the young prince he would never be a god. But he just might help heal his country.