A dispute over a decisive slice of votes in the country’s presidential election is again exposing the fragility of Afghan democracy, as President Trump pushes for a drawdown of troops.
Afghan Government Demands Cease-Fire Before Any Taliban Talks
The new precondition is likely to complicate any revival of the peace negotiations called off last month by President Trump.
In a Quiet Corner, an Old Afghan Poet Polishes ‘the Heart’s Mirror’
For more than 50 years, Haidari Wujodi’s desk in a Kabul library has been a stop for those seeking escape from the violence outside.
Afghans Demanded a Fair Election. They Could Be Waiting a While for Results.
Measures meant to prevent a repeat of fraudulent elections resulted in delays that will likely mean an Oct. 19 deadline for announcing the winner will be missed.
Opium-Smuggling Taliban Leader’s Release From Prison Raises Questions
Among the 11 Taliban prisoners freed, in what some reported was a swap for Indian hostages, was a U.S.-designated terrorist figure who had been caught with a haul of opium.
Afghanistan Election Draws Low Turnout Amid Taliban Threats
With peace talks on hold, the Taliban have stepped up attacks, and Afghans fear that a bitterly contested presidential election could lead to political paralysis.
A Young Life Ends After 4 Steps on Video, and Afghans Can’t Stop Watching
The Taliban bombing in Kabul that was cited as a reason to end peace talks was caught on camera, along with a man’s desperate scramble to evade death.
Taliban Talks Hit a Wall Over Deeper Disagreements, Officials Say
The insurgents were resisting a grand plan for finalizing and announcing the deal, which would have brought them to Camp David along with Afghan president.
U.S. Deal With Taliban Meets Afghan Resistance as Violence Intensifies
Officials say the deal lacks protections to ensure the Taliban keep their promises. “The people of Afghanistan have been bitten by this snake before.”
To Start Afghan Withdrawal, U.S. Would Pull 5,400 Troops in 135 Days
The lead American negotiator has told Afghan leaders that an agreement has been finalized “in principle” with the Taliban. It still needs approval from President Trump.