Boosters against the Omicron variant.
Author: Natasha Frost
Your Wednesday Briefing
A crucial Biden-Putin video call.
Your Tuesday Briefing
Early reports on Omicron.
Your Monday Briefing
Omicron in Europe.
Auckland, New Zealand, Exits 107-Day Lockdown
Auckland entered severe restrictions in mid-August as it began fighting a Delta outbreak. Some bars reopened a minute before midnight, the moment they could.
Your Friday Briefing
Biden’s plan to combat the Omicron variant.
Your Thursday Briefing
An unfair global response.
Your Wednesday Briefing
Omicron moves across Europe.
Your Tuesday Briefing
A familiar, frantic response.
Climate Change Driving Some Albatrosses to ‘Divorce,’ Study Finds
Warming oceans are sending the monogamous sea birds farther afield to find food, putting stress on their breeding and prompting some to ditch their partners.