Éric Zemmour, a writer and TV celebrity known for his far-right nationalism, dominates political talk in France as he weighs a run for president.
CNews, a Fox-Style News Network in France, Rides a Wave of Discontent
CNews, the news network created by the billionaire Vincent Bolloré, topped the ratings in May by giving a new bullhorn for right-wing views on crime, immigration, climate and Covid.
For France, American Vines Still Mean Sour Grapes
French authorities have tried to outlaw hardy American hybrids for 87 years. But climate change and the natural wine movement are giving renegade winemakers a lift.
For France, American Vines Still Mean Sour Grapes
French authorities have tried to outlaw hardy American hybrids for 87 years. But climate change and the natural wine movement are giving renegade winemakers a lift.
A Popular Comedy’s Return in France Exposes Growing Divides
After 12 years, a French spy spoof movie series featuring a clueless, racist and sexist hero re-emerges in a nation where laughter has become more complicated.
Suspect in Fire at French Cathedral Is Arrested in Killing of a Priest
The arrest of the suspect, a Rwandan asylum-seeker facing deportation, fueled criticism of the government’s immigration laws by right-wing politicians.
The Mayor, the Teacher and a Fight Over a ‘Lost Territory’ of France
A battle erupted after a high-school teacher said that Islamists had taken over the city of Trappes, a view vigorously countered by the mayor, sharpening a national debate over French identity.
On the Scrappy Fringes of French Politics, Marine Le Pen Tries to Rebrand
Marine Le Pen, the far-right leader and main challenger to President Emmanuel Macron in next year’s election, wants to persuade voters that she and her party can govern France.
In France’s Delayed #MeToo, Powerful Men Fall, One After Another
Since the start of the year, well-known men from diverse fields have been accused of sexual abuse and placed under investigation.
France Has ‘Overwhelming’ Responsibility for Rwanda Genocide, Report Says
The report, commissioned by President Emmanuel Macron, found that France’s colonial mind-set had blinded it to the atrocity. The authors, though, cleared France of complicity.