Scientists found that an increasing number of pictures made by the iconic orbital observatory are being disrupted by passing satellites.
OneWeb Launches 34 Satellites as Astronomers Fear Radio Chatter
Like SpaceX, the company aims to build a constellation of internet satellites, but its orbiters could interfere with telescopes on Earth.
After SpaceX Starlink Launch, a Fear of Satellites That Outnumber All Visible Stars
Images of the Starlink constellation in orbit have rattled astronomers around the world.
The North Magnetic Pole’s Mysterious Journey Across the Arctic
Scientists accelerated the update of a model of Earth’s fluctuating magnetic field, which is needed to keep navigational systems functioning. Many wondered what’s happening inside the planet’s core.
Trilobites: It’s Cold Outside, but Earth Is at Its Closest Approach to the Sun
Our planet’s elliptical orbit doesn’t affect winter or summer temperatures. But some astronomers wonder whether it’s a factor in why life survives.