European Union foreign ministers, save Hungary’s, want the fighting to stop now and decry “unacceptable” civilian casualties in Gaza.
Europe Calls for Immediate Cease-Fire in Israel-Palestinian Fighting
European Union foreign ministers, save Hungary’s, want the fighting to stop now and decry “unacceptable” civilian casualties in Gaza.
Arab World Condemns Israeli Violence but Takes Little Action
By saying it is defending Jerusalem, Hamas has made it harder for Arab countries not to denounce Israel. But in a changed region, the response so far has been rhetorical only.
For Israel and Hamas, Hard Choices Before Any Talks Could Begin
Analysts think it may be too early for de-escalation to succeed, as the sides first both need to forge a narrative of victory.
Brexit Trade Deal Gets a Final OK From E.U. Parliament
The vote is the formal end of a Brexit process that began nearly five years ago. But mutual mistrust remains high.
Post-Merkel Germany May Be Shaded Green
Germany’s Greens are expected to be a critical part of any new government. But these are not the Greens of old. Today it is a pragmatic party promising an assertive stance abroad.
Iran Talks Resume, Gingerly, After Attack on Nuclear Site
Another round of Vienna talks on reviving the 2015 nuclear accord is considered to be positive despite an apparent Israeli attack on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility.