The British prime minister held talks with European Union leaders and agreed to accelerate negotiations on a future trading relationship to try to avoid a brutal break at the end of December.
Embattled at Home, Trump Finds Himself Isolated Abroad, Too
After years of snubs and American unilateralism, European allies have stopped looking to the president for leadership, and are turning their backs on him.
European Defense and ‘Strategic Autonomy’ Are Also Coronavirus Victims
With governments under intense spending pressure to cope with the coronavirus, European ambitions for a more independent defense are facing the chop.
One Crisis Too Many: How the Coronavirus Pushed Germany to Shift Course
Some may not like it back home, but in the twilight of her career, Angela Merkel joined with France to try to save the European Union.
Merkel and Macron Propose E.U. Coronavirus Aid Fund
Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed to a $545 billion pandemic recovery fund backed by borrowing by the entire bloc. It would be a major step toward greater European unity.
Will the Coronavirus Crisis Trump the Climate Crisis?
The battle over how to spend recovery funds — to quickly restore the old economy or invest in a greener one — will define the post-pandemic world.
Global Backlash Builds Against China Over Coronavirus
As calls for inquiries and reparations spread, Beijing has responded aggressively, mixing threats with aid and adding to a growing mistrust of China.
Poland and Hungary Use Coronavirus to Punish Opposition
The European Union seems helpless, even complicit, as authoritarian-minded governments cite the pandemic to consolidate their power.
Coronavirus Has Lifted Leaders Everywhere. Don’t Expect That to Last.
Popular support for nearly every head of government has risen during this crisis. History suggests harsh reckonings as the panic eases.
Coronavirus Has Lifted Leaders Everywhere. Don’t Expect That to Last.
Popular support for nearly every head of government has risen during this crisis. History suggests harsh reckonings as the panic eases.