A lawsuit brought by a student is part of an effort to get schools, editors and publishers to recognize that being gay is not a mental disorder.
Her Husband Abused Her. But Getting a Divorce Was an Ordeal.
A graphic video of a husband beating his wife has shocked China, shedding light on the prevalence of domestic violence and the difficulties of obtaining a divorce.
From Asia to Africa, China Promotes Its Vaccines to Win Friends
With pledges of a coronavirus vaccine, China is on a charm offensive to repair strained diplomatic ties and bolster engagement with other countries.
China Uses Quarantines as Cover to Detain Dissidents, Activists Say
Critics of the government said they were held in rooms with barred windows and denied permission to contact their families, all in the name of public health.
China Uses Coronavirus as Cover to Detain Dissidents, Activists Say
Critics of the government said they were held in rooms with barred windows and denied permission to contact their families, all in the name of public health.
For Those Getting Married, a Searchable Domestic Violence Database
A Chinese city is rolling out the database to allow people to check if their partners have a history of abuse. Domestic violence has been exacerbated by lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic.
China Is Collecting DNA From Tens of Millions of Men and Boys, Using U.S. Equipment
Even children are pressed into giving blood samples to build a sweeping genetic database that will add to Beijing’s growing surveillance capabilities, raising questions about abuse and privacy.
China’s Coronavirus Vaccine Drive Empowers a Troubled Industry
By some measures, it is winning the race, with four companies already testing their vaccine candidates on humans.
As Deaths Mount, China Tries to Speed Up Coronavirus Testing
China is racing to screen ever more patients in Hubei Province, acknowledging that delays in diagnosing the virus are a major obstacle to controlling the epidemic.