The city is heading into a long holiday weekend, and officials are discouraging travel and unnecessary gatherings.
Author: Vivian Wang
From the U.S. to China: A 3-Month Quarantine Horror Story
A lawyer flew home to China hoping to see his family for the first time since the pandemic began. Instead, he was trapped in three months of quarantine.
From the U.S. to China: A 3-Month Quarantine Horror Story
A lawyer flew home to China hoping to see his family for the first time since the pandemic began. Instead, he was trapped in three months of quarantine.
Shanghai residents bristle as a lockdown enters a second week with more testing.
Residents are reaching “emotional tipping points” under the strict measures China has insisted on in handling the coronavirus, one commentator said.
Hong Kong, Buckling Under Covid, Leaves Its Most Vulnerable in the Cold
Poor residents have been forced to choose between infecting their families or sleeping outdoors because of cramped living quarters and a lack of isolation facilities.
How China and Xi Jinping Have Turned on the Outside World
Global engagement has helped the nation prosper. But now, its leader seems intent on recasting the meeting of minds and cultures as a zero-sum clash.
Hong Kong Quarantines Dozens of Officials After a Birthday Party
Those being sent to shipping-container-like dormitories include the city’s police chief and at least 20 lawmakers.
Faced With Questions About Forced Labor in China, the I.O.C. Is Tight-Lipped
Olympic officials are reluctant to look into whether any Beijing 2022 merchandise might have been made under duress by Uyghurs, an activist group charges.
What Is the I.O.C. Doing About Forced Labor Concerns in China? It Won’t Say.
Olympic officials are reluctant to probe whether any Beijing 2022 merchandise might have been made under duress by Uyghurs, an activist group charges.