Among the notable figures who died in a sometimes polarizing 2024, many championed justice, equal rights and political freedom.
In a Political Year, Some Deaths Spoke to the Struggles for Democracy
Among the notable figures who died in a sometimes polarizing 2024, many championed justice, equal rights and political freedom.
2023 Obituaries: A Host of Consequential, and Very Long, Lives Lost
Life expectancy averages may be falling, but you might not have been able to tell that from reading the obituaries about many luminaries this year.
Unlikely Parallels in a Year of Momentous Deaths
The deaths of luminaries like Queen Elizabeth II, Benedict XVI and Bill Russell did not necessarily surprise. Others, though, inscrutably departed seemingly in tandem.
Deaths in 2021: Headline Names Against the Backdrop of Pandemic
Aaron, Sondheim, Dole and Didion. But the loss of Colin Powell from the virus spoke most directly to the moment the world is in.
Death Transformed a Year, and What May Lie Ahead
As Covid-19 swept the world, the killing of George Floyd galvanized a racial justice movement, and the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg upended the makeup of the Supreme Court.
In a Year of Notable Deaths, a World of Women Who Shattered Ceilings
Their breakthroughs were in law, science, music and business, and, like the more famous who died this year, they left indelible legacies.
Deaths Seized the Attention of Millions in 2018, Sometimes Surprisingly
George and Barbara Bush, John McCain, Aretha Franklin, Anthony Bourdain: Their obituaries were expected to be widely read, but that wasn’t the case with Zombie Boy’s.