The last documented sighting of the animals on the continent was in Ethiopia in 1909. But now they’ve been spotted in Kenya.
Tag: Africa
A Battle Cry Seldom Heard These Days: The Palestinian Cause
Two recent militant attacks in Africa invoked the plight of the Palestinians, after the United States moved its Israel embassy to Jerusalem.
After a Tarnished Election, Opposition Figure Takes Over in Congo
Felix Tshisekedi is thought to have lost to another opposition leader, Martin Fayulu, but the U.S. and others have accepted the outcome in the name of stability.
The African Currency at the Center of a European Dispute
What is the French-backed currency, the C.F.A. franc, used by 14 nations in western and central Africa?
Rwanda Cracks Down on Skin Bleaching Agents by Seizing Cosmetics
Pointing to the chemicals’ harmful health effects, the country has begun enforcing its ban on bleaching agents, especially hydroquinone and mercury.
Global Health: A Virus Even More Dangerous Than Zika to Pregnant Woman
The Zika virus must take the “side roads” into the placenta to infect a fetus, one researcher said — but the Rift Valley fever virus takes the “expressway.”
Artwork Taken From Africa, Returning to a Home Transformed
A pivotal report calls for thousands of artworks to leave French museums and return to West Africa. An artist, a historian and a philosopher debate what should happen — and what these objects could mean to young Africans who have never seen them.
A Rising Threat to Wildlife: Electrocution
Power lines and electrified fences are killing birds, monkeys, pangolins and even elephants in surprising numbers.
Being There: Our Favorite Dispatches From Every Corner of the Globe
We reported this year from over 100 countries, and in a new feature, the Dispatch, we invited you to come along for a bumpy, exhilarating, emotionally wrenching ride.
Global Health: Marburg Virus, Related to Ebola, Is Found in Bats in West Africa
The discovery was part of a U.S.-led effort to spot dangerous pathogens in animals before humans are endangered.