Israelis see the step as a reflection of the dismal state of relations a quarter century after the treaty was reached.
Tag: Agriculture and Farming
E.U. Defends Farm Subsidy Program Exploited by Autocrats
Outright fraud is rare, officials said. A Times investigation found that the program helped underwrite oligarchs, mobsters and far-right populists.
The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. for Millions
The European Union spends $65 billion a year subsidizing agriculture. But a chunk of that money emboldens strongmen, enriches politicians and finances corrupt dealing.
We Just Wanted to Talk E.U. Farm Policy. Why Was Someone Always Looking Over Our Shoulders?
The European Union conceals data showing where billions in subsidies go. So we needed a workaround.
Britain Hasn’t Named 39 Dead in a Truck. But in Vietnam, They Know.
For the poor in Vietnam, human smuggling offers a chance at a better life. “If an electrical pole had legs, it would go too.”
Why Amazon Fires Keep Raging 10 Years After a Deal to End Them
Many of the thousands of fires burning in Brazil’s Amazon are set by ranchers. A deal inked 10 years ago was meant to stop the problem, but the ecological arson goes on as the Earth warms.
India Isn’t Letting a Single Onion Leave the Country
India’s government bans the export of onions in order to lower rising domestic prices, causing great pain to neighboring countries.
Barred From Owning Land, Rural Chinese Miss Spoils of Country’s Success
A region that is the cradle of China’s economic overhauls shows how decisions made four decades ago are hobbling China’s farmers and hampering economic growth.
Trump Calls China a ‘Threat to the World’ as Trade Talks Approach
The president says he will not accept an interim trade deal and accused China of building up its military with funds earned through unfair trade practices.
France Didn’t Ban Pesticides Near Towns. So Mayors Are Doing It Themselves.
A mayor banned pesticide use on the farms surrounding his village. Even though he was prosecuted for doing so, dozens of other mayors have followed his lead.