A dispute between residents of a small island off France’s western coast and summer vacationers taps into France’s still unbroken connection to its agricultural past.
Tag: Agriculture and Farming
How to Help Afghan Farmers? Gorge on Watermelons
After a bumper harvest created a catastrophic drop in prices, a campaign to eat the fruit was bolstered by a presidential order to feed it to troops.
Grow Faster, Grow Stronger: Speed-Breeding Crops to Feed the Future
Plant breeders are fast-tracking genetic improvements in food crops to keep pace with global warming and a growing human population.
South African Wine Farmer in Land Dispute Is Shot Dead
It was too soon to say whether the killing of Stefan Smit, a prominent white farmer, was a random criminal act or was related to bitter arguments about land ownership.
Modi’s Problems at Home Overshadow Trump’s Latest Trade Threat to India
President Trump ended India’s special trade status, hoping to jolt stalled trade talks. But the prime minister is focused on India’s sluggish economy.
Millennials ‘Make Farming Sexy’ in Africa, Where Tilling the Soil Once Meant Shame
In Africa, farming is widely considered a synonym for poverty. But university graduates have set out to prove that farming is a future with “bling.”
As Trade War Rages, China’s Sway Over the U.S. Fades
Beijing once could count on allies in business and politics to help get its way. Now many of its old allies are staying on the sidelines.
Voter Snapshots: Australians Weigh in
Five Australians across the country tell us about their dreams and fears, and who they’re voting for.
Australia’s Politics May Be Changing With Its Climate
Australia feels the brunt of climate change. Now, as elections approach, its politicians are trying to figure out how to manage the anxiety of voters.
The Saturday Profile: Hashim Aslami Has Just One Word for Afghan Farmers: Saffron
For two decades, he preached the virtues of the spice as an alternative to traditional crops and opium poppies. Today, it is a rare success story for his country.