Taking a test is the best way to assure yourself and others that you aren’t spreading the virus. Here’s what you need to know.
Tag: Airports
Qatar Apologizes for Airport Strip Searches and Pursues Charges
The government called the invasive examinations of women on 10 flights at Doha’s airport this month “wholly inconsistent with Qatar’s culture and values.”
Welcome Home! Now Go Straight to Quarantine (or Not)
Some cities put international travelers under strict observation for signs of coronavirus infection. Others barely notice when they land. Dispatches from seven arrival halls.
New Airport, Beleaguered Symbol of ‘Irreverent’ Berlin, Is Opening at Long Last
Nine years late and $4 billion over budget, the airport is already outdated. Repeated blunders dented the image of German efficiency, but the “poor but sexy” capital has long been a bit different.
As Amenities Sit Unused, Airports Reconsider Their Design
Airports have some of the most lucrative square footage in the world, but the pandemic has crushed that calculus.
Welcome Back to Germany. Now Take Your Free Coronavirus Test.
The country’s capacity to make testing efficient, affordable and available has distinguished it. Now, to head off a potential second wave, it’s testing anyone returning from a “hot zone” on entry.
What Will It Take to Reopen the World to Travel?
Above all, it’s trust. Countries are rebuilding relationships under enormous economic pressure, while keeping a wary eye on a virus that’s not going away soon.
Pakistan Plane Crash Leaves Grim Task: Identifying Victims From DNA
Officials were using samples from relatives to identify many of the remains pulled from the rubble and smoldering wreckage after the flight went down in a congested neighborhood of Karachi.
Berlin Brandenburg Airport Announces Opening
After nearly a decade of delays, Germany’s third-largest airport plans to open its doors to travelers. If only there were any.
14 Days With a Quarantine Tracker Wristband: Does It Even Work?
Hong Kong’s bracelets seem to obliterate the temptation to go outside, even if they appear to be just a simple piece of paper.