Thousands had gathered in the German capital. But the march was shut down after an hour for failing to obey social distancing rules.
Tag: Alternative for Germany
Body Bags and Enemy Lists: How Far-Right Police Officers and Ex-Soldiers Planned for ‘Day X’
Germany has woken up to a problem of far-right extremism in its elite special forces. But the threat of neo-Nazi infiltration of state institutions is much broader.
As Neo-Nazis Seed Military Ranks, Germany Confronts ‘an Enemy Within’
After plastic explosives and Nazi memorabilia were found at an elite soldier’s home, Germany worries about a problem of far-right infiltration at the heart of its democracy.
Germany’s Far-Right Party Wins Suit Against Interior Minister
The court said the official, Horst Seehofer, had a right to criticize the Alternative for Germany party, but that a political interview should not have been posted on a government website.
Germany’s Coronavirus Protests: Anti-Vaxxers, Anticapitalists, Neo-Nazis
The pandemic marginalized the far right, as Germans rallied behind Angela Merkel. But the reopening has brought them back, and they are preparing to seize new opportunities.
Germany Criminalizes Burning of E.U. and Other Foreign Flags
The new ban, relatively rare in the world’s legal codes, was proposed as a response to the burning of an Israeli flag at a demonstration in 2017.
Germany Places Part of Far-Right Party Under Surveillance
The intelligence agency labeled a wing of the Alternative for Germany extremist, warning of a “danger for democracy.”
How Dresden Looked After a World War II Firestorm 75 Years Ago
Germany commemorated 75 years since the Allied bombing devastated the city. But the milestone has taken on new meaning with the rise of the far right.
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Won’t Run for Chancellor
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said she would quit after her conservative party voted with the far right in one German state. Her decision leaves the race to succeed Angela Merkel wide open, and the country in deep disarray.