Two key votes this weekend are expected to produce an advance for the far right, and add to a growing sense of legitimacy in the former Communist East.
Tag: Alternative for Germany
A Summer of Angst in One of the World’s Safest Countries
Episodes like the death of a boy who was shoved in front of a train have fueled public anxiety, and far-right campaigning, in Germany.
Bad News for Germany’s Economy Might Be Good News for the Far Right
At a moment when populism is riding high in different corners of Europe, a slowdown in the Continent’s richest democracy could add fuel to the fire.
A Political Murder and Far-Right Terrorism: Germany’s New Hateful Reality
The assassination of a local politician is raising tough questions about the country’s resolve to monitor and control far-right violence.
Germany’s Political Establishment Looks Fragile After E.U. Vote
Both parties in Angela Merkel’s governing coalition suffered losses in the European Parliament election, raising questions about the future.
Russia Is Targeting Europe’s Elections. So Are Far-Right Copycats.
Digital fingerprints link pro-Russian and anti-European websites, part of an online ecosystem that is sowing discord ahead of European elections this month.
Germany Dispatch: A Fairy-Tale Baddie, the Wolf, Is Back in Germany, and Anti-Migrant Forces Pounce
The wolf is “dangerous” and “breeds explosively.” The way some politicians talk about wolves sounds a lot like the way they talk about immigrants.
The Right’s New Rallying Cry in Finland: ‘Climate Hysteria’
With the immigration issue losing some of its sizzle, populists are now capitalizing on fears of climate activism by liberal, urban elites.
German State Drops Investigation Into Political Artist, but Outcry Keeps Growing
An artist who built a replica Holocaust memorial next to the home of a far-right politician was the subject of a 16-month criminal inquiry. Prominent figures want to know why.
Matteo Salvini Announces New European Alliance of Far-Right Populists
Matteo Salvini, leader of Italy’s League party, and like-minded politicians from other countries hope to take control of the European Parliament in elections in May.