The incensed public response reflected an increasing activism around animal rights, a relatively new movement in China.
Tag: Animals
Koala Mittens and Baby Bottles: Saving Australia’s Animals After Fires
Millions of animals, many found on no other continent, may have perished, and Australians are taking care of survivors.
Fractured Forests Are Endangering Wildlife, Scientists Find
The world’s forests are being carved into pieces. In tropical regions, animals are likely to pay a heavy price.
Saving the Fire Victims Who Cannot Flee: Australia’s Koalas
The plight of dozens of animals being treated for burned paws and singed fur is raising fears about climate change and the future of the species.
Humans Shipped an Awful Cargo Across the Seas: Cancer
A cancer afflicting mussels originated off the Pacific coast of Canada, but then crossed into other species in Europe and South America.
Scientists Were Hunting for the Next Ebola. Now the U.S. Has Cut Off Their Funding.
Predict, a government research program, sought to identify animal viruses that might infect humans and to head off new pandemics.
Startled Marmot and a Fox Lead the Way at Wildlife Photography Awards
The winning image showcases “the humor and horror” of nature, the Natural History Museum in London said.
Where Pugs Rule the Racetrack
Pugs enjoy a certain cultlike status in Germany, where their owners gather regularly to swap stories about the breed, and let the dogs compete to see who’s fastest. Or slowest.
You’re Swabbing a Dead Gorilla for Ebola. Then It Gets Worse.
Carrion flies inside your hood. Sweat turns your gloves into water balloons. This is tough work, but it could predict disease outbreaks.
India’s Wild Tiger Population Rises, Despite Conflict With Humans
According to a government estimate, the country now has about 3,000 Bengal tigers, a third more than it had in 2014.